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In Memory of Nancy Miller

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Dear Garden Club Members,

By now you are all aware that Nancy Miller passed away suddenly last Friday. 

Nancy (and Carl) have been the backbone of Marathon Garden Club ever since I joined in 2005.  It will be hard to imagine MGC without our Matriarch Nancy!

Nancy was President of our Club for 4 years, our FFGC District Director, a NCG accredited Flower Show Judge, active in the Marathon Power Squadron, member of Marathon Yacht Club and an absolutely wonderful, kind and gentle person.

In our lives we strive to make a difference and hopefully leave this world a better place.  Nancy did just that; she made a difference in all our lives and left our garden club a much better place with a legacy that will live on.

We will all miss her and her wonderful smile.

Our hearts and prayers go out to Carl who continues to be the Patriarch of Marathon Garden Club!

Please send your cards and wishes to Carl:

305 Sombrero Blvd

Marathon, FL 33050


Rosemary Thomas,

President MGC


Thank You, MGC President Scarlett Duffy

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The Garden Club thanked our outgoing President Scarlett Duffy on Saturday April 17th at our luncheon for the instillation of new board members at the Marathon Yacht Club. A plaque in her honor was placed on our new fountain, which was donated by Scarlett. Pictured below are Scarlett, Linnea Cunningham and Susie Curry. Not pictured, but present is Jackie Sparber.

Honoring Our “Unsung Hero” Member Linnea Cunningham

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The Community Foundation of the Florida Keys annually honors volunteers (UNSUNG HEROES) in our community for their tireless work and dedication to non-profit organizations. The Board has nominated our exceptional member Linnea Cunningham for this most deserving honor. The following contributions were provided in Linnea’s nomination:

• Has shared her Master Gardener skills by developing and maintaining a nursery which has provided plants for Habitat for Humanity Homes, the St. Columba Butterfly Garden, the Switlik Elementary School Student Garden and numerous other community groups. Linnea also shares her vast knowledge of plants by presenting numerous workshops and lectures for the Club and community.
• Has served on the Marathon City Beautification Board and Co-Chairs the White Heron Award for civic environmental programs.
• Has guided the Marathon Garden Club by holding numerous offices and committee roles. Always there to volunteer!

White Heron Award November 2014

By News, White Heron Awards

The Marathon Garden Club has awarded their Great White Heron Award to Brutus Seafood Market and Eatery located at 6950 Overseas Highway for the beautiful tiki hut recently completed on the west side of the building.

This family business is headed up by Letty and Bruce Irwin who are joined by son Ryan and daughters, Chelsey and Jessica. Ryan is a fifth-generation commercial fisherman, Jessica is the bookkeeper and assistant manager and Chelsey is the front of house manager.

“One year after opening, we realized we needed more space so we built the tiki hut,” says Chelsey. “My mom’s love for landscaping really shows through in our design. She aimed for a tropical comfortable setting for our guests to enjoy outdoor dining. We are pleased with the results and welcome everyone to join us for a new experience.”

The family is proud of the quality of seafood they put on diners’ tables and in the market, as well as their one-of-a-kind family recipes.

The Garden Club congratulates the Irwin’s on their wonderful enhancement to our tropical paradise.

White Heron Award 11-14

White Heron Award April 2014

By News, White Heron Awards

The Marathon Veterinary Hospital is the recipient of the garden club’s first Great White Heron Award for 2014.

Our judging is based on the appearance of the building, property maintenance, signs, landscaping parking and compliance. In addition to the attractive native plants along US Route 1, this property also has landscaping in back of the building as well as an attractive wall mural along one side.

Our congratulations to Dr. Geraldine Diethelm and Dr.Douglas Mader on their wonderful enhancement to our tropical paradise.

Judy Shaw presents the White Heron Award to Dr. Geraldine Diethelm of the Marathon Veterinary Hospital.

Judy Shaw presents the White Heron Award to Dr. Geraldine Diethelm of the Marathon Veterinary Hospital.

Judy Shaw presents the White Heron Award to Dr. Geraldine Diethelm of the Marathon Veterinary Hospital.

Blue Star Marker

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The weekend of March 13-14, 2010 was an occasion for a wish come true for Mort Wood!  He and several other Veterans from WW II noticed that the Blue Star Marker at the Vaca Cut Bridge in Marathon was in need of attention.  He approached Pete Chapman, Chairman of the City of Marathon Beautification Board to inquire about the maintenance of the Marker.  Pete shared this information with Beautification Board member & President of the Marathon Garden Club, Linnea Cunningham.  The Blue Star Marker Highways were Federally designated with the assistance of the National Garden Club to honor United States Military Service Membersin 1945.  The Florida Federation of Garden Clubs recommended contact with Thomas Stelling of Daytona Beach, an experienced refurbisher. Tom worked on the sign and now the gold letters and blue star stand out and can be read from a distance. Donations from some generous folks made the refurbishing possible; Morton Wood, BarbaraFehsenfeld, Sandy & Dick Gebhardt, Marlis & Erick Bley, Linda & Lynn Mapes, Pete Chapman, Darby & Don Wathne and Pat & Dick Rowley. (The last two couples were unable to be present for the photo shoot.)  The Marathon Garden Club gives recognition and a huge thank you to this generous group.


White Heron Award for January 2012

By News, White Heron Awards

Sea Grapes Apartments, located at 7151 Overseas Highway in Marathon, was recently awarded the White Heron Award by the Marathon Garden Club! This traveling award is presented throughout the year to area businesses that participate in beautification projects on properties located along the US1 corridor between Conch Key and the Seven Mile Bridge. Sea Grapes Apartments opened in 2009, has 84 units, 100% occupancy & a waiting list! Their landscaping includes a variety of palms, buttonwoods, crotons & ornamental bird of paradise. Judy Shaw, Master Gardener & member of the Marathon Garden Club (left) presented the award to Aleida Roldan, Business Manager and Rudy Otero who maintains the landscaping & grounds. Sea Grape Apartments is owned by the Carlisle development group & managed by the Pinnacle company.
