Dear Garden Club Members,
By now you are all aware that Nancy Miller passed away suddenly last Friday.
Nancy (and Carl) have been the backbone of Marathon Garden Club ever since I joined in 2005. It will be hard to imagine MGC without our Matriarch Nancy!
Nancy was President of our Club for 4 years, our FFGC District Director, a NCG accredited Flower Show Judge, active in the Marathon Power Squadron, member of Marathon Yacht Club and an absolutely wonderful, kind and gentle person.
In our lives we strive to make a difference and hopefully leave this world a better place. Nancy did just that; she made a difference in all our lives and left our garden club a much better place with a legacy that will live on.
We will all miss her and her wonderful smile.
Our hearts and prayers go out to Carl who continues to be the Patriarch of Marathon Garden Club!
Please send your cards and wishes to Carl:
305 Sombrero Blvd
Marathon, FL 33050
Rosemary Thomas,
President MGC